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Editorial Section

Posted By: Dr. Vidt - 06.18.07

The National Animal Interest Alliance (NAIA)

Over the last several years there has been a subtle but aggressive attack on the companion animal fancy in this country by animal rights activists such as People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) and others. These groups have learned confrontation, protests and violence are not the way to help their cause and have enlisted the help of politicians to further their agenda through anti-purebred dog legislation, dog control legislation, dog sterilization legislation and breed specific dog bans. They operate in the name of animal welfare but their purpose is completely animal anti-welfare. They have total disregard for the human-companion animal bond and want to separate you and your dog. What can you do?

  1. Monitor local government and when breed-specific or anti-dog legislation is being considered voice you opinion via E-mail, letters and attendance at meetings. Politicians do listen to their constituents. Ultimately you have the power because you vote and politicians know this. Consider writing your local government, county and state representatives before legislation is considered and express your opinion.
  2. Consider where your money goes. Check out animal welfare groups, charities, humane societies, shelters, etc. and be sure they are not receiving funding from animal rights groups.
  3. Consider not spending money in cities and towns with anti-dog laws on the books. Money talks and when tourist dollars drop off it draws attention from local businesses.
  4. Join and support groups which foster and protect the human-companion animal bond such as the National Animal Interest Alliance (NAIA).

The NAIA is a group of individuals who interact with animals with regularity and in a wide variety of activities. It consists of pet owners, farmers, researchers, animal trainers, biologists, sportsmen, breeders, educators, animal caretakers, and entertainers. Basic principles which guide the NAIA are:

  • "We are committed to the positive values of respect, kindness and responsibility reflected in the special bond that exists when people live and work with animals.
  • We believe the animal rights campaign to limit and ultimately abolish human-animal interaction is unnatural, misguided and harmful to both humans and animals.
  • We believe that the privilege of using animals for human benefit carries with it a clear obligation to treat animals humanely, responsibly and respectfully.
  • We support and advocate reasonable, effective and enforceable laws that ensure the humane treatment of animals and provide penalties for animal abuse.
  • We believe that others are entitled to disagree with our point of view, but not to break the law or use threats, intimidation, defamation, harassment or violence to force their views on others."

Consider joining the NAIA today and start fighting back!

NAIA Newsletter at

NAIA Trust legislative alerts at:

NAIA Lobby Center: http://capwiz.comnaiatrust.home

NAIA Home at

Posted By: Dr. Vidt - 03.12.07

The Attack On The Human-Companion Animal Bond

With the recent discussions on breed specific legislation (BSL) with the Louisville animal control ordinance and the Denver Pit Bull ban as examples dog owners have been forced to come face-to-face with a powerful opponent - the animal rights movement. I haven't been too concerned when their efforts were directed against laboratories using laboratory animals, the veal calf industry and the foie gras industry but the attack on companion animal owners has crossed a line that has existed for thousands of years - the human-companion animal bond. A good friend of mine, Alice Fix, has written an excellent article which reveals the agenda and purpose of the animal rights coalition. She stresses how real and serious this threat is to us as pet owners and those of us who work with dogs in areas such as veterinary medicine, search and rescue work, therapy work, etc. By manipulation of the political system, the legislative system, the media and the legal system the animal rights activists can get breed specific legislation passed. Once in place this type of legislation is difficult to get off the books. One advantage they've had on their side up to now is the ignorance and apathy of the pet owning public. It's time to stop the relentless push of the animal rights activists and draw a line in the sand beyond which they cannot cross. We need to wake up now!

Do You Know the Real PETA and HumaneSociety of the United States?

An Editorial by Alice Fix

You will not often see negative articles in our newsletters, but every now and again we are forced to make a stand, and to speak out about what we know is for the better good for all involved. This is one such instance. We can no longer stand back and watch to see what will happen. I think that it is past time to publicly expose the real agenda of the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) and their cohorts in crime, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), and the animal rights agenda.

For many years we have all enjoyed the companionship of our dogs and other animals. We have been busy playing with them, taking care of them, finding fun things that we could do with them, and generally just having a great time with all the animals that live in our houses. While we have been enjoying the love and fun that our animals provide to us, there have been groups out there organizing on a grand scale trying to get our rights to own those animals taken away. Yes, that is exactly what I meant. Make no mistake about it. These people have organized on a large scale to infiltrate many major city councils and governments in the country to spread their propaganda. Their agenda is easily defined and simple. Their main objective is to take away your right to own animals. They do not want you to have the companionship of any animal, whether that is a dog, cat, horse, mouse, frog, fish or any other animal that you can think of. They are pooling their resources to get this accomplished, and have millions of dollars in there war chest for this effort.

This is a statement made by Ingrid Newkirk, the President of PETA: "I don't use the word 'pet.' I think its speciesist language. I prefer 'companion animal.' For one thing, we would no longer allow breeding. People could not create different breeds. There would be no pet shops. If people had companion animals in their homes, those animals would have to be refugees from the animal shelters and the streets. You would have a protective relationship with them just as you would with an orphaned child. But as the surplus of cats and dogs (artificially engineered by centuries of forced breeding) declined, eventually companion animals would be phased out, and we would return to a more symbiotic relationship - enjoyment at a distance." The Harper's Forum Book, Jack Hitt, ed., 1989, p.223.

It is interesting that Ms. Newkirk used the word "speciesist". defines that word as follows: 1. The discrimination against, and exploitation of, animals by humans in the belief that humans are superior to all other species of animals and can therefore justify putting them to their own use.

One of the animal rights mantras is that all animals are created to be equal to all humans, and should have the same rights as humans.

Just in case it still isn't clear to you what their agenda is, here are a few more quotes from Ingrid Newkirk:

"One day, we would like an end to pet shops and the breeding of animals. [Dogs] would pursue their natural lives in the wild ... they would have full lives, not wasting at home for someone to come home in the evening and pet them and then sit there and watch TV."

- The Chicago Daily Herald, 3/1/90

"In the end, I think it would be lovely if we stopped this whole notion of pets altogether." Newsday, 2/21/88

Who is Ingrid Newkirk, and why should we care what she has to say about anything? In the 1970s, Newkirk worked for Montgomery County (Maryland), and then for the District of Columbia, as an animal protection officer and deputy sheriff, before becoming DC's first female Poundmaster in 1978. She co-founded PETA in 1980 with established animal-rights activist Alex Pacheco. (1) PETA stands for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, but in my opinion, there is nothing ethical in what they do.

Ms. Newkirk has very close ties with several groups identified by the FBI as known terrorists groups, such as Animal Liberation Front (ALF). The animal rights groups are very well organized, and when you check closely, you will see many of the same names sitting on the boards of these radical groups. They are intertwined and closely linked through their finances, and the work that they do.

PETA operates on an annual budget of $ 29,000,000. Most of this is from donations made by ordinary citizens that don't know the real work of PETA. Many people think that they are out to save the lives of animals after seeing all of their ads on TV and in the newspapers. That is why millions are donated to them each year.

In Virginia, the home state of PETA, in 2004, PETA adopted out 361 animals, and euthanized 2,278, according to their records. (2) Those figures aren't good. That means that they euthanized 86.3% of their animals and only adopted out 13.7%. These figures come directly from PETA's Annual Report and from their 2004 Tax Return. It doesn't seem like they used that $29 million for the betterment of the majority of the animals that they came in contact with. So where is the money going? It is being spent for publicity to raise more money for one thing. It is also being used for legislative purposes. They have placed key people in city governments all over the country to try to influence legislation to take your pet ownership rights away. And they are having a lot of success with it.

You need to understand the basic difference between the "animal welfare" groups and "animal rights" groups. Although the names might sound like they have the same objectives, there is a big difference. Animal welfare groups are working to see that all animals are treated humanely. Animal rights groups are working to see that all ownership of animals comes to an end.

As I said, PETA has close ties with many other organizations. One of those organizations is the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS). People donate millions to the HSUS each year, thinking that their money is going to save the lives of millions of animals. Nothing could be further from the truth. The HSUS does not own a single animal shelter anywhere in the country. Although many shelters have the words Humane Society in their names, they are not associated in any way with the HSUS. The HSUS does not sponsor any spay or neuter clinic anywhere in the country. They do donate a very small percent of the annual budget to a few local humane societies, around $2 million annually, which just happens to be less than the amount that they spend in travel each year. Their major money is sent on fund raising and legislative activity. In 2005 they spent $28 million for public mailings, $6 million in vegan education, $10 million in legislative campaigns and litigation. Their income for that year was close to $125 million.

The HSUS was founded in 1954 as an animal welfare organization. But in the early 1980's, just about the same time as PETA was founded, they began to change to an animal rights organization. In the 1990's the personnel began to change to better fit with their new purpose, and today many of the personnel at HSUS have ties to PETA, including the current President, Wayne Pacelle.

This is an interested quote from Wayne Pacelle: "We have no ethical obligation to preserve the different breeds of livestock produced through selective breeding ...One generation and out. We have no problems with the extinction of domestic animals. They are creations of human selective breeding." - Animal People News (May 1, 1993) (3) When you combine other statements that he has made, with the above statement, in my opinion the meaning of this statement is that if we could spay and neuter all animals, we could eliminate pet ownership within one generation. "One generation and out" would mean to me that they are gone and are eliminated in only one generation.

Quietly sitting back and maybe not being aware, we are now allowing the HSUS to make presentations at our local schools, with the definite purpose to education our children about how bad pet ownership is, to indoctrinate children to the thought that animals should be free and not kept as pets. They are doing this in the same way that they have infiltrated city councils and local governments all across the country, quietly and matter-of-factly.

"Shortly after taking office, Pacelle announced a merger with the Fund For Animals which have assets of over $20 million, and the Doris Day Animal League. The combined group estimated its 2005 budget at "political organization," which will "allow for a more substantial investment of resources in political and lobbying activities." 4)

So that is where we find ourselves today. With the HSUS and PETA combined annual budgets of over $124 million for political and lobbying efforts to take away our rights to own animals. And that figure does not include the many splinter organizations that have been formed from these two major organizations. We are in an uphill battle now, and it will be the fight of our lives to keep our rights to own pets.

They are going at it from many different angles. One way is to get Breed Specific Legislation (BSL) passed. The banning of Pit-Bulls all over the country is a good example. That has caught on like wildfires. The animal rights groups have said if they can just get one breed banned, then it will be easy to add others to it at a later date, until eventually all breeds are banned. Another way that they are going about it is to have a mandatory spay and neuter law in place. Just think about it, if all domestic animals are spayed and neutered, when they die, there will be no more domestic animals. Those same words have been said by Wayne Pacelle, the President of the HSUS. They have a very well thought out and planned agenda, and they are counting on the ignorance of the American people to get their agenda accomplished. Well guess what: Ignorance can be overcome by education. The American people may be ignorant about the facts, but they are not stupid. They can be educated. We were ignorant before 9-11, and look what effect that had. It caused all Americans to become educated and unite and fight to prevent that from happening again. The difference here is that we are being attacked from within our own country. We are under strong attack by the animal rights groups, and I hope that we don't just stand by and allow it to happen.

The animal rights groups are publicly stating that we need to get laws passed so that they can close down all the puppy mills and commercial breeding facilities that have their animals living in inhumane conditions. Just about everyone would agree with the idea that animals should be treated humanely. But that is just the vehicle that they are using to try to do away with all animal ownership, period. And that is not a statement that they are being all that public about.

You can become active in this fight by telling your friends and neighbors what is going on. You can be an instrument of education. You can also fight this kind of legislation when it is presented in your area. Go to the City Council meetings and make your voice heard. Write letters to the state and federal government officials to offer your services to be on any animal related committee. In short get the word out to any and all of your friends that own pets. Let them know what is going on. If enough people stop funding the animal rights organizations, we can put them out of business. There is not much that they can do without operating funds.

The next time you think about making a donation to any of these organizations, you had better think long and hard about whether you really want your money being spent to take away your rights.












Right now the HSUS has started their "First Strike Campaign". I find that an interesting choice of names. At they define first strike as follows:

First strikeAn attack that is intended to seize or inflict damage on or destroy an objective.

Most people think that attack is on inhumane treatment of animals. They still don't know it is an attack to take your animals away from you. Last year over 10 million people donated money to the HSUS because of their massive spending on advertising. Most of those 10 million people had no idea what their money was actually going to support.

Better places to donate your money that will fight for your rights to own animals are listed below. These groups are working hard to protect your right to own animals, and to expose the true agenda to much of the animal legislation going on all over the country.




You can either make your donations work for you or against you. That decision is yours to make.

Footnotes for Reference:


2) www.nokillnow.comPetaDVACreporting.pdf



This article will first appear in the March, 2007 issue (Volume V Issue 2) of the Rocky Mountain Wrinkle, the newsletter of the Centennial Chinese Shar-Pei Club, Inc. Any reference to this article must give full credit to Rocky Mountain Wrinkle, and the Centennial Chinese Shar-Pei Club, Inc.

Permission must be granted to use any articles from our newsletters, and we must get a credit line for any article that is granted permission to use, with a link to our website. Anyone wishing to reprint any of our articles should contact Alice at for written permission.

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