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Ear Care / Predisposing Factors / Causes of Ear Disease

Certain factors seem to predispose the ear canal to develop problems. These include the anatomy of the ear canal which is certainly a problem in the Chinese Shar-Pei with the tight ear flap and tendency to stenotic (narrow) ear canals.
  1. Maceration of the ear canal - Small increases in moisture in the ear canal lead to damage of the skin in the canal and predispose to bacterial and yeast infections. Frequently wetting of the ear canal through swimming or bathing may contribute to this phenomena.

  2. Climate - There seems to be an increased incidence of ear problems in the spring, summer and early fall with a decrease in the winter. This is most likely due to the decrease in temperature and humidity seen in the winter months. The winter season is also associated with relief from inhalant allergies and flea problems. In some areas of the country the problem is year-round.

  3. Treatment Errors - Traumatic cleaning of the ears, plucking the hair from the ear canal and use of inappropriate ear cleaning solutions such as hydrogen peroxide may lead to swelling and maceration of the ear canal.

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